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CIT Charities of the Year

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With the horrific events in Manchester this week we have all been feeling out of sorts at CIT, but the one thing we must do is focus on the good, carry on, help each other and work as ONE.

It got me thinking about our charities of the year and how we all need to help and support those less fortunate than us. This year we have chosen to support both Walsingham Support and Children's Liver Disease and I thought it would be nice to share some of our fundraising activities with you and invite you to get involved, just talk to your Account Manager or Technical Consultant if you would like further information.

One of the things we are planning on organising is Insomnia V2, if you are aware of Insomnia V1 you will know we raised a lot of money for our charity of the year 2016 and plan on doing the same this year. Insomnia consists of 20/30 CIT team members turning the CIT offices into a gaming den for one weekend and being sponsored to stay up for 24 hours playing on various gaming consoles. As you can imagine most of the CIT team are 'techies' so this is perfect for them.

We will also be hosting a CIT family fun day, complete with BBQ, bouncy castles and fun at the fair style games and races, which we would love you to come along too. We have a team of 13 CIT members taking part in Rough Runner in September and a few people cycling 100miles for Children's Liver Disease.

We will also be supporting HAD, Hertfordshire Action on Disability and Simon McGowan has already raised over £300 by taking part in Tough Mudder last weekend.

We hope you will be able to join us for some of these fundraising activities and look forward to updating you on the success and how much we have raised.


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