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Complete I.T. are now Cyber Essentials Plus Accredited!

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In June 2016, Complete I.T. announced that we had achieved the Cyber Essentials Accreditation, we pride ourselves in being a trusted advisor for our clients and the Cyber Essentials accreditation was a testament to the level of importance we place in security within our own internal systems as well as within our clients’ organisations.

However, Complete I.T. don’t like to do things by halves, and we immediately started working towards a higher level of accreditation to show our clients and our team the dedication we have towards achieving the highest security standards.

Fast forward to the present, and we are pleased to announce that our hard work has paid off – and Complete I.T. are now Cyber Essentials Plus Accredited!

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

To achieve a Cyber Essentials Certification, your software and systems must be assessed by one of the accreditation bodies to ensure you’re compliant, achieving Cyber Essentials Plus is a far more lengthy and invasive process into your company’s systems.

To achieve this badge, Complete I.T. had to perform an external vulnerability test on all of our 6 offices, showing we were secure enough to be compliant, as well as an on-site assessment from a Cyber Essentials accredited body on our internal systems and procedures.

What does the Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate mean to our clients?

Having a high level of government-appointed certification in cybersecurity means we can confidently inform our clients that we have taken precautionary steps to reduce cyber risk internally to the highest level available. We want our clients to have confidence that their systems are in safe hands with Complete I.T.

To learn more about Complete I.T.’s Cyber Security offerings, don’t hesitate to contact us to speak with one of our industry experts.

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