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Cyber Crime Essentials - Free CIT Seminars

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As your local IT Support Provider, we have a duty to keep you informed and updated about the latest technology developments, from cyber-crime to our advice on GDPR compliance and updates within the Technology sector.

Join us and our partners, including back-up and data protection experts, Datto, Microsoft and GDPR Specialists AssureData at one of our free seminars 'Cyber Crime Essentials' which were a great success when launched early last year.

We will be exploring the rise in cyber-crime and enabling you with the tools and knowledge you need to educate your teams. We will also be looking at the General Data Protection Regulation in more detail and sharing our learnings since May 25th.

The next seminars take place in:

London; 28th June: Register here

Swindon; 5th July: Register here

Peterborough; 12th July: Register here

Places are limited so please reserve your place now. If these dates or venues are not suitable email enquiries@complete-it.co.uk and we will let you know when the next seminars are.

Sessions include

  • What we have learnt since 25th May - GDPR.
  • Cyber Essentials, helping you to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cybersecurity.
  • Complete Cyber Security - Protecting your organisation and data from the threat of hackers, malware and viruses is a serious business. With so much critical data being held not only on your servers but also on laptops, desktops and hand-held devices, your business needs an integrated security solution.
  • Microsoft  - Working Smarter and Safer - Encouraging your teams to increase productivity whilst working collaboratively, no matter where they are.
  • How are cybercriminals infiltrating SME’s systems?

We will also be providing breakfast and lunch giving you the chance to network with other local SME's.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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