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How we Protect your Personal Data

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We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and with the upcoming changes to the Data Protection legislation and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we wanted to update you on the ways we secure and use your personal data and what we have done ourselves to make sure we are as compliant as possible by the May 25th deadline.

Some of the actions we have completed are detailed below.

  • Attended a number of educational training seminars with knowledge being shared with the whole CIT team via video and in person.
  • Achieved the Cyber Essentials Plus Certification.
  • Partnered with GDPR Specialists AssureData who have carried out a full audit and gap analysis for CIT and continue to work with us to ensure we are compliant.
  • 1 day of foundation training for key stakeholders and members of the Complete I.T. team.
  • Rolled out end-user awareness training for all staff.
  • Completed a GDPR gap analysis workshop resulting in a detailed report.
  • Produced a GDPR action plan to address any areas of noncompliance and to provide ongoing risk reduction.
  • Updated privacy statements and preferences on the CIT website.
  • Updated cookies notice on the website.
  • Updated legal contracts to reflect the GDPR introducing new clauses.
  • Created a data processor agreement for clients.
  • Completed a data mapping exercise.

We have made good progress towards our own GDPR compliance but no one knows exactly what will be added to the legislation once it is released on the 25th so we will continue to educate our teams and clients, update processes and work closely with GDPR specialists to ensure we are compliant.

Jim Sneddon (AssureData) says;

'I am really impressed to see the speed at which Complete I.T. are acting on the recommendations from the GDPR readiness assessment and acting on them. They are way ahead of the curve as far as moving towards GDPR compliance is concerned,  their commitment and professionalism in dealing with what many see as a blocker to getting on with business is very refreshing to see.'

Please keep an eye on our social media & blogs for the latest GDPR updates.

Read this simple step by step guide to help you understand your data and record your findings which will go a long way towards helping you to become compliant.

Please view our Privacy Policy here which details how Complete I.T. uses and protects any information/ data that we collect from you, how you might access it and who we share it with.

If you would like to discuss your own GDPR compliance please talk to your Technical Consultant or Account Manager.

We will be starting our series of Cyber Crime Essentials educational seminars again in June, these will cover subjects such as the GDPR and what we have learnt since the May 25th deadline, cybercrime and the ways cybercriminals are infiltrating your systems and data, free productivity tools you can use to work smarter and safer and much more. To learn more about when the next seminar is taking place in your region please speak with your CIT team.

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