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Is your data safe in the Cloud?

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Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in cloud computing within businesses, with a recent Forrester study estimating that global cloud service revenues are growing by 30% on an annual basis.

It’s not hard to see why, cloud computing offers a large range of benefits for organisations of all sizes. Rather than having to build and maintain elaborate IT infrastructures in-house – cloud computing allows businesses to implement resources on-demand and customise them around their requirements, which is part of the reason Complete I.T. recommend Office 365 among other cloud based solutions for our clients.

What are the concerns surrounding Cloud Computing?

With all software and cloud based solutions, the current concern for all businesses is security. With Cloud Computing not being a physical entity – how can you be sure that your systems are secure from cyber-attack?

Cloud Security and Monitoring!

Cloud security technology such as Microsoft Azure has been developed to help organisations improve the security of their cloud infrastructure by offering threat detection and incident response within a cloud environment. Cloud based security solutions such as this offer an essential layer of protection; providing visibility of network, cloud access and flow logs to aid early threat detection.

However, monitoring your cloud infrastructure can be a time-consuming task to undertake – not to mention knowing how to tell the genuine threats apart from the false positives, which is where you might consider having a discussion with your IT support provider to choose the best form of protection for your business moving forward.

How can I protect my Cloud Infrastructure?

Whoever your IT support provider, speak with your representative to ensure you’re implementing the best possible security measures for your business. You can also contact us to discuss the different cloud security that we offer to our clients, our team is always happy to help!

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