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Microsoft 365, what is it and how is it different to Office 365?

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At Complete I.T. we have a wealth of knowledge around Microsoft and have worked with their products and solutions for many years. Microsoft recently introduced Microsoft 365 a bundle of existing products under one license, saving small to medium businesses time and money.

Microsoft 365 is an integrated solution that brings together best-in-class productivity tools, security and device management capabilities.

What is included:

  • Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, and Access
  • Exchange, OneDrive, Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams, SharePoint
  • Business apps from Office (Bookings, Outlook Customer Manager, MileIQ1, Microsoft Listings, Microsoft Connections, Microsoft Invoicing)
  • Enterprise-grade device management and security capabilities
  • Simplified device deployment and user setup

How does Microsoft 365 Business differ from Office 365?

In short, Office 365 is a cloud-based suite of productivity apps like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and more. Microsoft 365 includes Office 365, plus several other services including Windows 10 Enterprise.

Microsoft 365 has been built for small to medium businesses who have little to no IT resource but want best-in-class productivity and collaboration capabilities as well as device management and security solutions, enabling their businesses to work safer and smarter.

You can combine Microsoft 365 with any of the following, Azure, Dynamics 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, and Office 365.

If you want to discuss Microsoft 365 Business and whether it is the right solution for your organisation, email us at info@complete-it.co.uk or call 01628 552 860 to arrange a meeting.


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