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What we are doing to help you prepare for the GDPR

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With the General Data Protection Regulations deadline fast approaching we thought we would update you on what we are doing and how we can help you.

GDPR falls into 4 main areas

  • User Education and Awareness
  • Internal Policies and Procedures
  • Legal and Compliance
  • Technology

As you can see, this is an issue that technology can’t address on its own but it is far more encompassing than that. It is also down to the nature of the business you work in, how much personal data you hold, how you hold it and what the risk of it being breached is. As the GDPR is a new regulation, it is also down to interpretation and what the legislation actually means can sometimes be a bit grey.

You may have attended one of our Cyber Crime Essentials seminars where we take a closer look at the GDPR and how you can help to educate your teams. If you are interested in attending speak with your Account Manager or Technical Consultant to find out when the next seminar is taking place in your region.

We are working with experts on GDPR to ensure that we are compliant and in turn we can help you to become compliant.

Some of the areas we are looking at include:

GDPR Gap Analysis/Readiness Assessment

GDPR Foundation Course for Managers and Heads of Department

Report based on Gap Analysis

If you would like to discuss GDPR and what you should be doing to ensure you are compliant, please talk with your Account Manager or Technical Consultant.

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