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An Acquisition for Complete I.T.

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We are very excited to announce that as of the 1st October, we have acquired Plus Technologies.

About Plus Technologies

Plus Technologies an Aylesbury based Support Provider, was established in 1997 with a focus on supporting and maintaining IT Solutions for SME businesses across many industry Sectors. Plus Technologies values align perfectly with Complete I.T. as they also provide a very personal and attentive service and have always maintained close relationships with clients.

This acquisition is an important part of Complete I.T.’s strategy, to be a leading IT Support Provider in the UK and we are looking forward to welcoming Plus Technologies clients that will be transferring across to us. With the added resource we have, we believe Plus Technologies clients will benefit greatly from this acquisition and there will be no disturbance during the transfer.


We welcome Matthew Haigh, Plus Technologies MD, Matthew Foxwell, Technical Consultant and Gareth Compton, Technical Consultant, to the Complete I.T. family and look forward to working with them and their valued clients going forwards.

“I am delighted that we have acquired Plus Technologies and I am positive that this strategic relationship will further enhance our client base locally and help us to meet our business goals. I look forward to working with Matthew, Matthew and Gareth and I have no doubt that they will add valuable expertise to our growing team. We have plans in place to welcome all of Plus Technologies clients and will be working closely with them, alongside Matthew, Matthew and Gareth to ensure a smooth transition and positive introduction to Complete I.T.”

Colin Blumenthal Managing Director

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