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Protect your Business from a Ransomware Attack

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91% of IT Providers report recent ransomware attacks against small businesses.

40% report 6+ attacks in early 2016.

31% report multiple ransomware attacks in a single day.

1 in 4 UK businesses has been a victim of ransomware.

93% reported attacks even with anti-virus or Anti-Malware.

The top three industries that are most regularly targeted by ransomware are, Professional Services, Healthcare and Construction and Manufacturing, but ransomware attacks are certainly not limited to these industries.

A lot of small businesses report that they do not feel they are likely to be targeted due to their size, in reality, the exact opposite is true. 74% of small organisations reported a security breach in the last year. SME’s are now being pinpointed by digital attackers.

Have you thought about the real cost of downtime to your business?

  • Financial
  • Legal Fees
  • Company Reputation
  • Staff Moral
  • Time
  • Reduced Productivity

So how do you protect your business?

The only really effective strategy to defending your business against ransomware is a multi-layered defence.

  1. Educate your team

Educate anyone with access to company email, computers, and servers to inform about the dangers of social engineering schemes and phishing scams. Teach good security practices about email attachments and stress the importance of diligence. However, even the most educated and well-meaning staff members are not immune to human error. Education, on its own, is not adequate protection.

  1. Install Antivirus

Antivirus software is the second layer of a sound defense. Quality antivirus protection can stop thousands of attack attempts per day. In the case that an employee does click a malicious link or downloads a Trojan-containing attachment, antivirus will often save a system from full-blown infection. However, new strains of ransomware are always being created, often at a rate higher than antivirus can protect against them, so eventually, the probability that one infection will succeed is high.

  1. Total Data Protection

A data protection solution provides the ultimate failsafe in a layered defense strategy against ransomware. A data protection solution will automatically and invisibly take snapshots of your data and systems at regular intervals, and store that data in a secure location. Should ransomware successfully penetrate your layered defenses, you can simply ‘turn back the clock’ to a snapshot of your business before the attack happened.

Complete I.T. has been in business for 24 years helping to protect businesses just like yours from Ransomware attacks. Complete I.T. pride ourselves on keeping our clients informed about new technologies and emerging trends within the world of IT. With offices in Bristol and Swindon and 4 other locations throughout the UK we are always on hand to respond to clients should they experience an outage or security breach. We care about your business objectives and will do everything we can to ensure you meet your business goals.

If you would like us to come in and have a chat with you about your business strategy and how we can help you to meet your business goals whilst protecting your critical data, give us a call or email or get in touch with one of our offices, we have offices in Bristol, Swindon, Thames Valley, Oxford, London and Peterborough, so there's an office near you!

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